Dr. Shemen offers a wide range of personalized services. Whether it be a torn earlobe repair ordiscussing the various solutions for snoring issues, Dr. Shemen offers unparalleled personal care.
Each appointment you book is with Dr. Shemen himself. You can avoid the inconvenience of a larger hospital that assigns a different doctor to you each visit and enjoy the personalized care Dr. Shemen offers.
You can be assured – we have a commitment to excellence when it comes to the level of care we provide.

The thyroid is an essential gland which impacts our most important organs.

Patients with kidney stones or bone fractures may have underlying parathyroid problems.

Neck Masses
Lumps in the neck are the commonest complaint of patients presenting to a Head and Neck Surgeon.

Torn Ear Lobe
Torn earlobes usually arise from wearing heavy or large earrings or when another person pulls on the earring.

Scalp Masses
Lumps in the scalp are overwhelmingly related to the hair apparatus and are benign.

Salivary Gland
Any of these glands may swell from infection or from a tumor

Facial or neck skin lesions
Skin cancers usually arise in sun exposed areas including facial and neck skin.

Allergy Testing
Patients presenting to a head and neck doctor with cancers in the neck and throat usually have a painless.

Head and Neck Cancer
People have six major salivary glands and hundreds of minor salivary glands.
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